Mike’s 1967 L89 Receives Prestigious Performance Verification Award® from NCRS
Corvette Mike’s 1967 Corvette L89 receives the prestigious NCRS Performance Verification Award® as the best example of a totally correct car.
1967 L89 unique and unusual characteristics
- Rarest production 1967 Corvette ever built one of 16
- Rarer than the 1967 L88, which was one of 20
- Only two alloy head 1967 L89s were delivered to California with the ultra rare K19 smog pump equipment.
- Of the two this is the only remaining example.
- The engine suffix “JH” was unique to these 2 K19 L89’s only.
- This is the only “JH” suffix in existence in the world.
With all of its factory, documentation and validation of such by the NCRS organization it is now in a world of its own. As no other 1967 L89 has ever done so.
Featured in magazines and hardcover coffee table book.

Mike Vietro proudly accepts the Performance Verification Award yellow ribbon from Dave Brigham, National Judging Chairman of the NCRS. To receive this award is a huge step leading up to the Duntov Mark of Excellence Award. An award that tests man and his car.
About the NCRS Performance Verification Award®
The NCRS Performance Verification Award® was created by the National Corvette Restorers Society in 1985, the award recognizes individuals for the restoration and preservation of 1953-2004 Corvettes. To achieve this award, an owner must attain a NCRS Flight award® based on an original “as manufactured” standard at a NCRS event; as well as present the car for a rigorous performance test of all vehicle mechanical components and functions, all of which must operate as those of a new car, without a single failure. As of today only 1,685 Corvettes have received the NCRS Performance Verification award
Mike’s 1967 L89 was technically there for the most challenging of all automotive judging segments, The Performance Verification Award, a two hour grueling test of man and his car. A four page document that tests the vehicle to its limits of fit, form and function. It is strictly a Pass or Fail grade. And if you fail you go home. It is not a points system.
Besides not being able to leak any fluids, there are items that are so tedious that most people can’t believe they test to that level. For instance, the judge will actually hold the base of the hood while being open and see if there is any play in the hood hinges or better yet, open a wing vent half way and jiggle the glass to see if there is movement beyond a half inch. Once on the test drive, if you are fortunate enough to get that far, the vehicle must be taken to 90% of it’s indicated redline tachometer. That is serious stress on the engine and your adrenaline system.
Try doing this type of judging for nearly two hours. See why so few cars can actually achieve this award, which is part of a three judging system of the Duntov Mark of Excellence Award. No easy feat indeed.

Mike Vietro and Jim Lynch take a well deserved break and a steak at Peter Luger’s in Caesar’s Palace.
Check out the videos of the car and the NCRS judging: